The Importance of Visiting the Dental Clinic in Bellevue When You are in Pain

by | Feb 26, 2014 | Dental care

Dental pain can strike suddenly or can be chronic in nature. This type of pain can be caused by a variety of different issues and should not be ignored. Any time you are in pain, this is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. You should never try to cover your pain with pain medications, without seeking treatment. Pain medications simply stop your body from sending warning signals. It does not help the condition causing the pain. If you are in pain in your teeth or gums, you need to be seen right away at the Dental Clinic in Bellevue. This will allow the dentist to find the source of your pain, so you can find relief.

What are the Common Causes of Dental Pain?

  • *          Cavities are typically one of the most common reasons for dental pain. Cavities normally do not present symptoms until they have advanced into the inner portions of the tooth. Once this happens, you can begin to experience severe pain, as the nerve becomes inflamed or even exposed. To stop the pain of a cavity, you need to have your tooth treated with a filling.
  • *         Gum disease is also a cause of dental pain. Gum disease first begins as a mild case of Gingivitis. As gum disease progresses, it will often turn into Periodontitis. This condition affects the health of your gums, causing them to swell and fill with pus. This places extreme pressure on your teeth and can cause widespread pain and eventual tooth loss. It is imperative you are seen by the dentist as soon as possible, so these conditions can be treated and the damages stopped.
  • *         Injuries can sometimes occur without you being aware. This is especially true if the structure of your tooth has been compromised through disease or cavities. When your tooth becomes injured, the dentist can often repair the damage, especially if you are seen soon after the damage occurs.


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