What is Laser Periodontal Therapy in Pewaukee WI?

by | Aug 25, 2015 | Dentist

Dental lasers have been used to remove soft tissue for more than two decades. One of the areas where the use of lasers has had the greatest impact is with periodontal treatment. This type of treatment is often difficult for the general dentist, though. Laser Periodontal Therapy in Pewaukee WI have allowed dentists to offer their patients a minimally invasive procedure and ensure that almost all diagnosed patients receive treatment.

What does the laser do?

The laser uses light energy to produce a clinical effect on the oral tissues. Dentists use other substances (e.g., water) to eliminate or remove tissue, allowing them to effectively remove infected epithelium and granulation tissue without producing necrotic effects. This, in turn, provides less postoperative problems such as swelling and pain. Lasers are also effective in removing hard tissue including bone calculations. Moreover, due to the ability to bend light, the laser has access to areas of the tooth root, which cannot be accessed surgically or with ultrasound. Thus, many surgical cases can now be treated without surgery.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is increasingly widespread in medicine and dentistry. In dentistry it is used for pain relief, for example, temporomandibular disorders, for wound healing and to control inflammation, which is essential for the successful treatment of periodontal disease. It also allows patients to recover more quickly from laser procedures and with fewer incidents, assisting in the healing response and also suppressing inflammation.

Periodontal laser therapy

One of the biggest challenges in general dentistry is to get patients to go to the periodontist. If your condition is not treated, it affects not only your mouth but also the general health of the patient, which prevents people from realizing necessary treatments, such as a prosthesis. Patients are more likely to continue Laser Periodontal Therapy in Pewaukee WI area if it is performed in their local dentistry. As periodontal disease is not very painful, it leads patients to avoid treatment until a serious problem occurs. Therefore, the philosophy is to try to eliminate as much of the disease in the general practice; and then, after a reassessment, the dentist will send the patient to a periodontist for the surgical treatment of the areas that do not respond to the aforementioned treatment. Contact Pewaukee Dental to learn more.

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