Your smile plays a major role in your everyday appearance. When you suffer from dental problems like cavities or broken or missing teeth, you may feel less prone to smiling at or talking with people. You may keep your mouth tightly closed, which can give you a disagreeable look.
Rather than let your oral health negatively impact how you look and feel, you could undergo dental procedures to restore your smile. By getting dentures, crowns, and dental implants Burlington patients like you may once again feel confident in yourself and more open to engaging others in public.
Before you undergo a procedure for dental implants Burlington patients like you may wonder what the actual treatment involves. Getting implants requires a commitment of several months or longer. It also requires you to undergo thorough examinations of your teeth, gums, and jaw bone to determine if your tissue is healthy enough for the procedure.
If you lack jaw bone in which to place the implants, the dentist may do a graft from your thigh into your jaw. The new bone will provide a sturdy base into which to put the implant studs. You may require several weeks of healing before the procedure can continue.
Once your jaw is healed from the transplant, your dentist will then put in the studs on which the implants will be attached. These studs look like pointy stakes that will stick out of your gums. They will not hurt your tongue or other teeth. After the studs heal in your gum, the porcelain or ceramic teeth can be attached to them.
Dental implants are designed to look and feel like real teeth. You may be able to eat, talk, and smile like normal. People will not know you have implants in your mouth. They also may be covered by insurance.
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