An Explanation of How the Dentist in Whitesboro Extracts Your Tooth

by | Apr 30, 2014 | Dental Services

Though you do all you can to protect the health of your teeth, problems can arise to cause damage. If your tooth has been damaged and is no longer structurally sound, you could end up needing an extraction. If you are in need of a tooth extraction, it can help to know what to expect. The Dentist in Whitesboro can perform a tooth extraction, so you are no longer in danger of experiencing damage to your tooth. Through the General Dentist, your tooth can be safely and easily removed.

How Does the Dentist Extract Your Tooth?

To extract your tooth, the dentist will first need to make sure you are completely numb. This is done by first rubbing the area of your tooth with a numbing gel. The gel helps to prepare your gum tissue, so the injection of Novocaine is not so painful. The Novocaine helps to prevent any pain in your tooth, so the dentist can remove your tooth, without you being in any kind of discomfort. It will take about fifteen minutes for the Novocaine to work. During this time, you will relax and allow the medication to begin working.

Once you are numb, the Dentist in Whitesboro will begin the procedure of extracting your tooth. If you are having a large tooth removed, the dentist may need to make an incision around the base of your tooth, so the roots can be exposed. This makes it easier to pull the tooth and prevents damage to your surrounding teeth, gum tissue and jawbone.

If your tooth is smaller, no incisions will be needed. The Dentist in Whitesboro will simply use a special tool to remove the tooth. After the removal process, the dentist will make sure the bleeding is brought under control and if you had any incisions, they will be sutured closed.

While your gum tissue is healing, you will need to avoid smoking, drinking from a straw or spitting. You should also avoid rinsing your mouth, as these actions can cause your blood clot to become dislodged, causing severe pain and a longer healing time.

For more information on tooth extractions or to schedule your appointment, visit Website Domain. Contact them today and schedule your appointment, so your smile stays healthy.

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