Your teeth play a large role in how you look and feel. If you lose one or more of them, it can cause you to lose confidence, make it difficult to eat, and cause your other teeth to shift. There are different procedures you can undergo to restore your oral function,...
Alvah Althouse
Facts About Dental Implants in Puyallup WA
Dental implants are similar to artificial roots, meaning they adapt to a patient’s teeth. The main function of the implant is to be placed on the site of a lost tooth. This is so you can properly chew along with improving the aesthetics of your teeth. Dentists have...
Oral Health Advice from Your Gay-Friendly Dentist in Lake View
As a trusted dentist in Lake View, Dr. Michael Griffin gets asked a lot of questions about oral health. In response to some of these questions, here is some oral health advice from your gay-friendly dentist in Lake View. One of the most common questions is about how...
The Best Family Dentistry in Katy, TX
Have you ever thought it was Thursday when it was actually Friday? Have you ever forgotten to call a friend back when something unexpected interrupted your call? When you are balancing work, family, and friends, it is only natural to forget things here and there. It...
Are You a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Dental Implants in Chicago?
When it comes to your dental health, it is important to make sure that you choose the right treatment options for your specific needs. Full mouth dental implants may be an ideal choice if you are experiencing problems with one or more of your teeth, including issues...