“Root canal” refers to both the tissue and tooth between the pulp and roots, as well as the procedure of removing infected parts of the tooth or gum that cause root canal-related pain. Root canals of the mouth contain thousands of nerve endings and blood vessels,...
Alvah Althouse
Who Can Benefit from the Placement of Dental Crowns?
Just about everyone experiences some form of dental decay, acute fractures, or tooth discoloration over the course of a lifetime. Often, minor issues such as smaller cavities can be fixed with simple fillings, and some discoloration can be solved by bleaching....
Two Reasons to Get a Composite Filling in Marion, IA
A composite filling, otherwise known as a dental filling, is used to help treat a number of problems with the teeth including cavities and a host of additional problems. The National Institutes of Health say that 92% of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have...
When should you see a dentist?
Years ago, regular dental care was something that was avoided by most people; as a result, the teeth of the general population were in poor shape, to say the least. Back then there were no guidelines on how frequently you should see a dentist in West Town; the result...
Can a Dentist Office in Arlington TX Help With Dental Pain?
In most cases, if a person has a toothache, they will need to visit a Dentist office in Arlington TX. The treatment options offered may be plenty, but they obviously depend on the source of the pain and the severity involved. Therefore, experts suggest seeing a...