Ease Your Pain with Help From Emergency Dentist in Homewood AL

by | Dec 13, 2014 | Dental

There are certain situations that arise from time to time that may require an emergency visit to a dentist. When these situations do come up, it is important to know what steps should be taken in order to give the dentist the best chance at helping the patient. One such situation could be a tooth that gets knocked out. This is something that might happen during a sporting event, or from an accidental fall. If a tooth is knocked completely out, it is important to hold the tooth by the crown and rinse the root in water. The tooth can then be placed in a glass of milk and taken to the Emergency Dentist in Homewood AL as soon as possible. Caring for the tooth in this manner will give it a better chance of being saved.

Another situation that could cause a person to Visit Anglin & Nelson Dental Clinic is a broken tooth. This again might happen during a sporting event, or during some other physical activity. This could also be caused by an accidental fall. The tooth should be rinsed in warm water, and a cold compress should be placed against the face to help reduce the swelling that is sure to occur. In this case, it is important to get to the dentist as soon as possible so they can take care of the tooth.

Many people end of having cavities filled in their teeth over time, and many people also end up getting a crown placed on a tooth that was chipped or broken. From time to time, these fillings or crowns can come loose, and even fall off. This would be another case that would require a person to visit an Emergency Dentist in Homewood AL. It is important to get to the dentist right away in these cases because there could be a great deal of pain associated with a loose filling or crown.

There are some less obvious situations that require immediate care from a dentist. One rule of thumb that dentists will tell patients is that if it hurts, then it could be an emergency. Any pain in the teeth or gums that is ongoing or extremely painful should be taken care of right away by an emergency dentist.




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