Getting an Emergency Dentist When You Need One

by | Jun 15, 2017 | Dental care, Dental Services, Dentist, Dentistry, Implant Dentistry

One of the most frustrating things about emergency situations is never knowing when they are going to occur. While you may know for sure when you need to seek emergency medical care for a broken bone or stitches, dental issues can be a bit trickier. The good news is, there are a few tips that will let you know when you need to begin looking for an emergency dentist near me.

Signs You Need Emergency Dental Services

Plano, Texas is full of fun things to do. Unfortunately, these fun activities may also lead to dental emergencies. For example, you may knock out a tooth while trying to help your child cross the monkey bars when they accidently kick you in the mouth. Or, you may notice a small infection has turned into a larger and more painful issue. Regardless of the situation, when you experience any of the problems listed here, finding an emergency dentist near me should be at the top of your priority list.

  • Loose or missing tooth
  • Severe pain that won’t go away
  • Infection or inflammation
  • Damage or trauma to the cheeks, lips, gums, tongue or other part of the oral cavity

Selecting a Dentist for Your Emergency Care Needs

There is no question that Plano, Texas is full of emergency dental professionals. As a result, you have to take some time to make sure you are using a quality service provider. In most cases, finding an emergency dentist near me ahead of time will be the best course of action. This will ensure you know who to call when an emergency situation happens to come up.

If you live in Plano, Texas, it is a good idea to use the information here to be prepared for any dental emergency situation that may arise. To learn more about emergency dental care, make sure to contact the staff at Shifa Dental by calling 469-277-3737.

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